Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday/Tuesday - October 20/21

-Students can now choose where they sit. I hope this arrangement will continue the rest of the year. However, there certainly was an increase in chatter today, so we may have to go back to assigned seating soon.
-We reviewed the following procedures/policies: attention signal, class norms, and missing assignments. I feel there were too many missing assignments last quarter. Honors students should be in school to learn, not just to earn a grade. For second quarter all assignments will be worth 10 points, but at the end of the quarter, they still will NOT count toward the final grade. By giving them a point value during the quarter, when you check grades on PowerSchool, it will be easier to tell if there are any missing assignments.
-Today's warmup was a quiz on the "Lesson 7" vocabulary words. The average score on this quiz was 35/40, so I feel that the students have learned these words and their meanings.
-We discussed possible reasons for students' overall scores on the Block I post-assessment. We will continue this dialogue next class period.
-Finally, students received a prewriting assignment that is homework. This will be due Friday (1B) or Monday (1A). I'm going to try to upload the assignment as a reference.
-Thanks to those who are "followers" of this blog. I'm not completely sure what that means, but I think it's a good thing! Now I'm off to download the soundtrack for HSM3: Senior Year! Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

Kurt and Shelli Barnum said...

I think you are off to a good start. If you figure out the doc thing let me know!