Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday (1A)/Tuesday (1B), November 24/25

-Today's warm up consisted of a Reality Store review. Reviews were given to the Counseling Center for data analysis.
-We spent some time going over information from the mid-term writing assessment. We discussed the class' strengths and weaknesses and students reviewed student examples.
-We spent some time talking about the Reality Store experience.

-ASSIGNMENT #1: Assume your Reality Store situation (occupation, marital status, and so on) and write a letter to your parents after one month in that life.

-ASSIGNMENT #2: Students received an assignment to use the Holt Online Essay Scoring internet program to write a descriptive essay for their end of quarter writing assessment. I will try to upload the assignment to the web page. By December 17, students need to have earned a score of 6 on their essay. Students who procrastinate too long, may not achieve a 6.

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