Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday/Thursday, November 5(1B)/6(1A)

-The warm up consisted of SAT-type test prep. questions.
-Students took the essential concepts quiz for Week 10. 1B's total was 415, and 1A's was 389. No dancing this week.
-To conclude the ideas activity from last class period, selected students read their paragraphs while the class tried to identify the picture based solely on their description.
-Students received an individual proficiency report from the Block 2 pre-assessment. Students made a list of objectives where they scored below 80%. I will use the lists to plan learning activities based on what each individual student needs to work on for this block of the content.

-HOMEWORK REMINDER: Students need to have completed their STUDY of A Christmas Memory (p. 63 in their lit. book) by next class period.

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