Thursday, November 6, 2008

Monday/Tuesday, November 3(1B)/4(1A)

-The warm up consisted of writing a poem about walking on the moon. This is journal entry #2.2.
-A rough draft for the essay contests was due today. There are still many students who have not yet turned this in. It needs to be typed (size 12 font), double-spaced, and have 1-inch margins.
-We did another activity focusing on the ideas trait in writing. Students were given a picture that they had to describe in a perfect (grammatically correct) paragraph.
-Students received a Block 1 post-assessment report and went through their scores and the assessment to see if they could mark the correct answer.

-HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: STUDY A Christmas Memory (p. 63 in the lit. book) before class on Friday (1B) or Monday (1A). Remember that "study" means more than just reading the story quickly.

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